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                  [LORRIE'S PHOTO]


                  Director and Bosch Distinguished Professor in Security and Privacy Technologies, CyLab Security and Privacy Institute
                  FORE Systems Professor, Computer Science and Engineering & Public Policy

                  Director, CyLab Usable Privacy and Security Laboratory
                  Co-director, MSIT-Privacy Engineering masters program

                  I was on leave from CMU in 2016 to serve as Chief Technologist at the US Federal Trade Commission. But now I'm back at CMU!

                  求电脑免费的加速器 Twitter pc版加速器免费版    


                  mailing address: 蚂蚁加速器无限时长免费破解版_实用工具:2021-1-23 · 蚂蚁加速器无限时长免费破解版 小编测评 《蚂蚁加速器无限时长免费破解版》这款软件里拥有免费的加速时长,给你带来不一样的优质体验!享受全新的手游加速的玩法吧!还有多种稳定流畅的节点自由切换选择喔!, CIC 2107, 4720 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
                  office: CIC 2107 (4720 Forbes Ave [directions])
                  phone: 412-268-7534 (I rarely check voice mail)
                  求电脑免费的加速器 lorrie AT cs DOT cmu DOT edu
                  administrative assistant: Tiffany M. Todd, (412) 268-6367, ttodd AT cs DOT cmu DOT edu

                  How should you address me? Professor Cranor and PC端免费加速器 are both fine if this is a professional context where titles are used. Outside of professional contexts you may use Dr. Cranor or Ms. Cranor. Please do not address me as Mrs. Cranor in any context. If we're not using titles, then Lorrie is just fine. If you can't decide whether to be formal or not, Professor Lorrie will also do. Pronouns: she/her.

                  Important information for prospective students and visitors


                  Usable privacy and security, technology and public policy - See the CyLab Usable Privacy and Security Laboratory website for more information or watch a short video about my research


                  • 极光加速器下载_极光网游加速器1.0永久免费绿色版 - 系统之家:2021-11-20 · 极光加速器永久免费绿色版是一款功能强大、体积小、使用简单的网游加速器,无需安装,完全免费,界面简洁,可伍一键宽带加速,让你游戏更顺畅。本站提供极光加速器永久免费绿色版下载。
                  • Lots of videos and news articles
                  • Advice for women in computer science: PC端免费加速器 I did with students from the CMU women@scs organization
                  • Tales from an Accidental Computer Science Professor - 60 minute talk plus questions, Indiana University, February 8, 2018
                  • Read about CMU research on usable and secure passwords
                  • pc版加速器免费版 featuring me and my password dress - also text version
                  • The now-famous password dress, the companion security blanket quilt that was featured in Science Magazine, the CNET article, password chairs and more and you can order the fabric and ties and read about our 求电脑免费的加速器
                  • My Tech@FTC blog post Time to rethink mandatory password changes
                  • Watch my 5-minute pc版加速器免费版 on Personal Privacy Assistants and the Internet of Things, and read my trip report
                  • Check out our 电脑上不要钱的加速器 website featuring illustrations of privacy from kindergartners through adults
                  • A short piece I wrote for MIT Technology Review about how difficult it is to protect your privacy
                  • The CUPS Lab has openings for PhD students and postdocs with a background in usable security or privacy, undergraduate research assistants, as well as research programmers and CMU students who want part-time programming jobs
                  • We are now accepting applications for the Fall 2023 class of our MSIT-Privacy Engineering masters program
                  • Check out our search engine for comparing bank privacy policies
                  • 奇游加速器pc破解版_奇游加速器官方下载 pc免费版-开心 ...:2021-2-3 · 奇游加速器pc破解版是一款深受玩家喜爱的免费加速器。奇游加速器官方版可伍加速无主之地3、战争机器5、幽灵行动断点等最新热门游戏,而且支持多个游戏平台,如Origin、XBOX、育碧等,让玩家享受顺畅不卡顿的游戏体验。 (as featured on Delta Airlines Inflight Entertainment)
                  • A 60-minute presentation I gave in Fall 2013: Computers, Quilts, and Privacy
                  • I spent 2014-15 learning a lot about leadership as an ELATE Fellow. Female faculty in STEM fields should consider applying.


                  Usable Privacy Policy Project, usable and secure passwords, privacy decision making, user-controllable security and privacy, usable cyber trust indicators


                  anti-phishing, P3P, electronic voting, and security vulnerabilities in movie distribution


                  • See Publications section of my resume (sorted by publication type)
                  • CUPS website publication list (sorted by topic, includes other peoples' publications as well)
                  • My Google Scholar page
                  • My ACM Digital Library author page
                  • My dblp page


                  • Institute for Software Research in the School of Computer Science
                  • Engineering and Public Policy department in the College of Engineering
                  • CyLab Usable Privacy and Security Laboratory (CUPS) (director) in CyLab
                  • 《实况足球2021》PC版免费加速器用哪个推荐_3DM单机:2021-9-11 · 《实况足球2021》在9月11日登陆PC端steam平台。伍下内容是笔者关于这款新游亮点的分析,伍及玩《实况足球2021》PC版时会遇到的一些问题和相关免费加速器的推荐。《实况足球202 (co-director)
                  • Ph.D. Program in Societal Computing
                  • Electrical & Computer Engineering Department (affiliate faculty)
                  • Human-Computer Interaction Institute (affiliate faculty)
                  • Heinz College (affiliate faculty)
                  • STUDIO for Creative Inquiry (fellow and member of Deep Lab)


                  • Computing Research Association Board of Directors, 2023-2023
                  • ELATE Fellow, 2014-15
                  • Electronic Frontier Foundation Board of Directors, 2007-2015
                  • The Future of Privacy Forum Advisory Board, 2009-2015, 2017-
                  • Deep Lab, Founding member
                  • Wombat Security Technologies, co-founder
                  • AT&T Labs-Research, 1996 - 2003


                  • 17-734 / 17-334 [previously 08-534 / 08-734 ] / 5-436 / 5-836 / 19-534 / 19-734 Usable Privacy and Security
                    SP18, SP17, SP15, SP14, FA11, FA09, SP08, SP07, SP06
                  • 17-733 /17-333 [previously 8-533 / 8-733] / 19-608 / 95-818: Privacy Policy, Law, and Technology
                    FA15,FA14, FA13, FA10,FA08, FA07, FA05, FA04, SP04
                  • 8-602: Current Topics in Privacy Seminar
                    FA13, FA14, FA15, SP17, SP18
                  • 8-606 Privacy by Design Workshop / 8-607 Privacy by Design Practicum
                    FA17, Summer15, Summer14
                  • 15-290 / 17-290 / 19-211: Special Topics: Computers and Society
                    SP07, SP06, SP05
                  • EPP Undergraduate Project
                    SP09 Carrying Capacity, SP10 Privacy, SP11 Green Printing, SP12 Emergency Messaging with Social Media
                  • COS PhD seminar
                    SP06, FA05, SP05, FA04
                  • 08-709 Privacy Technology (MSIT eBusiness Program)
                    SP15, SP14, SP13, SP12, SP11, SP10, SP09, SP08, SP07, SP06


                  Current PhD Students: Aurelia Augusta (EPP), Jessica Colnago (求电脑免费的加速器), Kyle Crichton (EPP), Pardis Emami Naeini (Societal Computing), Hana Habib (Societal Computing), Maggie Oates (Societal Computing), Sarah Pearman (Societal Computing), Josh Tan (Societal Computing)

                  Graduated PhD Students (advisor): Rebecca Balebako (EPP PhD 2014), Cristian Bravo Lillo (EPP PhD 2014), Serge Egelman (COS PhD 2009), Patrick Kelley (COS PhD 2013, co-advisor w/ PC端免费加速器), Saranga Komanduri (Societal Computing PhD 2016), Ponnurangam Kumaraguru (COS PhD 2009), Pedro Leon (EPP PhD 2014), Abby Marsh (Societal Computing PhD 2018), Aleecia McDonald (EPP PhD 2010), Rob Reeder (CSD PhD 2008), Rich Shay (COS PhD 2015), Steve Sheng (EPP PhD 2009), Manya Sleeper (Societal Computing PhD 2016), Janice Tsai (EPP PhD 2009), Blase Ur (Societal Computing PhD 2016), Kami Vaniea (CSD PhD 2012, co-advisor w/ L. Bauer)

                  Graduated PhD Students (committee member): Andrew Besmer (PhD 2013 University of North Carolina at Charlotte), Varun Dutt (EPP PhD 2011), Patrick Feng (PhD 2002 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Maritza Johnson (PhD 2012 Columbia University), Cynthia Kuo (EPP PhD 2008), Elaine Newton (EPP PhD 2009), Kursat Ozenc (Design PhD 2011), Brandon Salmon (ECE PhD 2009), Karen Tang (HCII PhD 2010)


                  I have consulted for companies and non-profits on privacy policies, P3P, usable privacy and security, and technology policy. I have also served as an expert witness in patent litigation and in privacy cases, and in cases challenging the constitutionality of Internet harmful-to-minors laws, including the ACLU's successful challenge to the 1998 Children's Online Protection Act. I currently do expert witness consulting through Harbor Labs.


                  I spend most of my free time with my husband (Chuck), son (Shane), and daughters (Maya and Nina). I walk to work, practice yoga, take lots of 电脑上不要钱的加速器, and design and create PC端免费加速器. I also serve as an elected 能上google免费加速器, SciTech PTO President, and 求电脑免费的加速器 commissioner.

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